Monday, October 31, 2016

The Rough Draft

Over the weekend, I did an offline podcast just to see how I it would run and how I sounded as an announcer. As I was talking weekly predictions and trade rumors, I talked a little too fast and mumbled a couple of times. I watched a couple of videos with Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth announcing games. They seemed really calm, as they provided a play-by-play announcement during NFL games and they related the topics to the audience very well. While watching these videos, I got an idea on a couple other ideas that I could make for the genius project. I would like to do a commentary of top 10 plays of the week, and commentating during NBA, MLB, NHL, and NFL games. These commentating ideas would provide me with more depth of understanding for hockey because I want to become more diverse in multiple sports to give me the best chance for a job offer right out of college

Image result for al michaels
I plan on keeping a update of breaking sports news from a variety of sports to broaden my horizon on all sports like I previously said. This will help get me ready for any journalism class at any university. I plan on majoring in sports journalism or broadcasting to follow my dream to succeed. When I toured Arizona State University's sports journalism program, one of the students told me that they cover Pac-12 sports! Arizona State University is right by the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Phoenix Suns stadiums. This will help me get ready for any internship that I would like to do while I am at ASU.

So far in multimedia journalism, my elective, I have become the sports editor with Drake Benner. Together, we have proof read and written many articles for The Sage. The Sage has been an amazing experience for me because I can see what it is like to work at a real newspaper like Ms. Hunter’s brother.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Progress Report

Next weekend is the week that I plan on completing my first ever live podcast. This podcast will mostly feature the Padres, Chargers, and NBA predictions that will get fans ready for the upcoming season. The Padres and Chargers provide relevant teams and focus to the San Diego area, so hopefully I can get a decent amount of viewers. I got this idea of a podcast from my friend Eli, who I met at the Sports Broadcasting camp at UCLA. I hope that this podcast can put me on the map for anchoring and other jobs for college and beyond.

In addition, I plan on keeping a update of breaking sports news from a variety of sports to broaden my horizon on all sports. This will help get me ready for any journalism class. I can know any sports so I can cover it to try and show my professor that I am as passionate as I say I am. When I toured Arizona State University's sports journalism program, they cover almost anything like Pac-12 sports, the NFL, NBA, MLB, and even the NHL. By covering the wide variety of sports, I hope that I can be prepared for anything that any program throws at me.

Also, when I was at the Sports  Broadcasting play-by-play camp they said that we would bounce around the map of sports and around the world. This is why I want to start having the variety of sports so, I will know how to do play-by-play and stories about the sports in general. This can be the next step of my journey to my dream. I can learn from these experiences and get more expertise in editing my own papers. In journalism, “writing is the key to succeed. If you can write, then you have a higher chance of having prosperity in the business.