Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ray Rice Back in the NFL?

Yes it is true!

The man that punched his wife in the elevator can be signed by any NFL team. The real question is will the he get signed.

My answer is NO. Rice would be a huge media distraction just like the NFL thought Michael Sam (the first openly gay player in the NFL) would be. According to Rice's wife Janay and the NFL, "Interestingly, the NFL apparently showed little desire to get Janay Rice's side of the story. "I really didn't think they would ask me any questions, but I was asked one," she said. "I was surprised I was asked anything at all. One of the NFL executives asked me how I felt about everything. And I broke down in tears. I could hardly get a word out. I just told him that I was ready for this to be over."

Will he get signed? We will have to see.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Will Kevin Love opt out of his contract?

The start of the season for the Cavs has not been the one that we all thought. With three superstars in Kyrie Irving, K Love and the "King" himself, the Cavs should not be 3-3 they should be at least 5-1. Your team has one of the best benches in all of basketball and you ONLY have a five-hundred record.

The biggest part is the chemistry. Kevin Love has been missing a lot of shots and that is on him. He has a lot of talent as a big man though. He can rebound, pass and hit the three point shot if needed.

Recently there has been rumors that Kevin Love will opt out of his contract. If he did this, why would the Cavs traded Andrew Wiggins away. If he did this where would he go? I believe he want to go somewhere with another superstar and that would be the New York Knicks. Play with Carmelo and a decent team that could get a good draft pick this year.

With the triangle offense made my Phil Jackson, Carmelo, Love and Shumpert or JR Smith on the outside would be deadly.  The big part is Jose Caldron. Jose can light you up from three point range but, if he can still feed the ball.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Micheal Vick Starting?

Micheal Vick played very well today against a rough Kansas City defense. He made 21 out of his 29 completions for 196 yards in a ten to twenty-four loss against the Chiefs. The good thing that Vick did not do was that he did not commit a turnover. Vick has a rocket arm and small hands that make him turn the ball over. Scouts actually look for quarterbacks with big hands like Russell Wilson so they do not fumble the football!

Micheal Vick completed eleven of twenty-one passes to Percy Harvin for 129 yards (almost 12 yards per catch). Percy Harvin could be his new Desean Jackson. Many fans in Philadelphia remember his season where he took the Eagles to the playoffs. Vick made Desean Jackson look like Jerry Rice (the best receiver of all time). 

If Vick keeps playing at this high level, Geno Smith will not be the New York Jets franchise quarterback. Vick still can run for to the house with his lights out speed. When he first entered the league, at the NFL combine he ran a 4.25 second forty yard dash coming out of Virgina Tech. He was selected first overall by the Atlanta Falcons in a trade with the San Diego Chargers (the bolts got LT and Drew Brees from the trade). That is INSANE! 

Micheal Vick's turnover-free performance was approved by the coaching staff of Rex Ryan to make him start next week. It tells you a lot of Rex Ryan's perspective of Geno Smith, and also what the coach perceives as an effective performance for the one and eight Jets who have lost eight straight games.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Referees Bad Calls

On Thursday Night Football at Denver (Mile High) the Chargers took on their division rival the Denver Broncos. The Quarterbacks of the two teams have been hot lately and are the early candidates for the MVP of the NFL. ON Thursday, the game was really close until, the referees made some terrible calls that changed the game.

The calls were holding in the end zone, a fumble and the running back of the Broncos did not cross the plane (pileline). These calls were huge momentum swings in the game for the Denver Broncos. The San Diego offense was rolling against the Broncos defense that has improved drastically with some starts from the league. Without the inferior calls, the game would of been a lot closer and the Chargers could of possibly won the game.

UPDATE 10:07 p.m. ET:  NFL V.P. of officiating Dean Blandino has defended the decision on Twitter.  “On the fumble that was reversed the forearm was down before ball came loose,” Blandino said. “Forearm down before elbow.”  The movement of the ball before the forearm is down would seem to prevent a finding of indisputable visual evidence that the ruling of a fumble was incorrect.  Former NFL referee Mike Carey has repeatedly said during the CBS broadcast that, in his view, the outcome of the replay review was incorrect.

Football is now being owned by the refs and new rules added to the game. Now defenders get called  for holding almost every play. Seeing this in a fans perspective makes you very frustrated. You want to see "NFL football" not "two hand touch." Back when Michael Irvin played, defensive backs could pressure you  and there would not be holding or flag. Even last year was better because the defense actually had a chance to make some plays. If the NFL does not make a change, football will be seen as a Referees Game.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Are the San Diego Super Chargers Back?

The San Diego Super Chargers! The San Diego Supper Chargers!

The Chargers have been a team to beat in the AFC. They have come off big win like beating the defending Super Bowl Champions Seattle Seahawks and the Buffalo Bills (who were 2-1 at the time).   A big part of their success is Philip (Philipe) Rivers and the undrafted running back Branden Oliver (fans call him "the new Sproles"). Philip this year has thrown fifteen touchdowns and only one interception. Philip has been making some clutch throws to all off his targets. Branden Oliver has rushed for over two hundred hards in the two games he has started. He has been making some ecstatic jukes and some key catches to "pad" River's stats.

The Chargers defense last year was one of the worst in the NFL and this year have improved dramatically. They added more depth at the linebacker position and got two star corners in Jason Verrett and Brandon Flowers the pro bowler of the Kansas City Chiefs. These two corners are the biggest upgrade to the team. In my opinion, without these two additions, the Chargers would not have a 5-1 record, they would probably be 3-2. The corners (as well as Rivers) gives the team a swagger to win. With the momentum on offense and key stops on defense this team could make a deep run in the playoffs and maybe the Superbowl. Furthermore, when they get Ryan Mathews back the Chargers will have a one two punch at the position. To have that punch, Keenan Allen needs to get some touchdowns! Allen has made huge catches this year but, none have been caught for touchdowns. If Keenan Allen could get some balls thrown down the field to him, the defense would not know what to expect from this hipowered offense.

The coaching of this team has been phenomenal by Mike McCoy and his coaching staff. This team under Norv Turner did not make the playoffs since 2009 (UNTIL LAST YEAR).

If McCoy keeps his team winning they will become unstoppable! They will be put to the test on Thursday Night Football against Peyton Manning. This will be the QB duel of the year and maybe the decision for the MVP!

How about them Chargers!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Utah Jazz make a Smoove Move

JP Gibson, a five year old who was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia was like every other five year old except he got to play in the NBA at the age of five.

The Jazz inked him to a one day contract and got to play with players like Gordon Hayward, Derrick Favors, Trey Burke, and even the fifth pick in the draft this year, Dante Exum. He was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012, and fell in love with sports. One of his favorite teams is the Utah Jazz and his dream is to play with the team. He got to play in an intra-squad scrimmage (the same teams separated into starters and non starters). His mother told ESPN, 

JP loves most sports, but basketball is definitely his favorite. When he was just over a year old, he would sit with my husband Josh watching games. He started insisting on shooting hoops for an hour each night before bedtime when he was just 15 months old. He knows he has to be six before he can play Junior Jazz, and he reminds us all the time that he can’t wait until he’s six.”

 JP got to go on the court and shoot the ball in an actual NBA court and got to do one of every kids dreams. Kids all around the world dream to play in a  professional sport with terrific sports players and stars. JP will remember that moment for the rest of his life. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Eric Weddle's Beard

Eric Weddle is the San Diego Chargers star free safety. Weddle is not known for make interceptions or his hair like Deion Sanders or Jim McMahon. 

Weddle is know for making big tackles and his beard. During the game against the New York Jets the commentators kept on talking about his beard. One of them commented about how he has "the best beard in football. Weddle's beard is making an impact around the league and around the globe. Weddle now has a beard brand! People have become abscessed with the beard just like Duck Dynasty.

Weddle has not cut his beard since July 18, 2013! A full year and the beard is almost as good as James Harden's beard (#FEARTHEBEARD). Weddle can barely buckle his chin strap as he must "find a way by not shaving the beard." 

Weddle believes that his Chargers are "the best team in football." The Chargers have been proving that they are  closer to Weddle's prediction then the rest of the league may see. Weddle believes "To be the best,” Weddle said. “It’s as simple as that. Each year you look at yourself. Where weren't you good? Where were your negative plays, and why did it happen? Was it physical, or mental? Was it timing? Is it something you can work on, or is it something that happened, and earlier in the season wasn't happening?" Go Bolts and #FEARTHEBEARD. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Does Kaepernick choke?

The San Francisco 49ers were projected to have a hotter start than they had last season. With the additions of Stevie Johnson, Antoine Bethea, Jimmie Ward, Carlos Hyde, Johnathon Martin, and the return of Brandon Lloyd to San Fran. Most of these names can be seen on the offensive side. This means the defense did not get that much help in the offseason this year. The niners lost defenders like Carlos Rogers, Tarell Brown, and Donte Witner the three quality starters for this team last year. On the offensive side they lost Jonathon Goodwin, Anthony Dixson, and Mario Manningham.

With these departures, the pressure was set on Kaepernick and the high powered offense of San Francisco. Kaepernick has proven that he can win during the regular season but, can he win the big games. Jim Harbaugh must believe in him because Kaepernick has got an extension of a six year 126 million dollar deal (for almost twenty million dollars per year).

The big thing for Kaepernick is that he was only drafted in 2011. He is a young player who still has a ton of potential.

People say that he can not win the big games. Kap has made it to a Super Bowl and two NFC championships. He still has not got a ring yet but, many quarterbacks have only won one Super Bowl. Quarterback like Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Kurt Warner and Joe Namath have only won one Super Bowl.

This year Colin has already thrown four interceptions when having a lead. Many fans say that “Kaepernick chokes” and “ Kap blows or sucks.” For Kap, it has been the play calling. Why would the 49ers pass the ball when you have Frank Gore, Marcus Lattimore, Carlos Hyde, and Kaepernick himself for a scramble or read option. It is the play call that is making the 49ers lose these games. They need to do something the Chargers ran with Marty Schottenheimer called, “Marty Ball.” You run, run, and run the ball. By doing this you take loads of pressure off Kaepernick and it will give him more confidence. Kaepernick will learn to trust his halfbacks and he will know he does not have to force throws like Tony Romo

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Adrian Peterson Domestic Violence

Many people know Adrian Peterson (a running back for the Minnesota Vikings #28) as the best running back in the NFL today. AP has the most respect as a halfback when he came off of an ACL tear two years ago, winning MVP and nearly breaking the single year rushing record. The former MVP has committed a domestic violence case to his own four year old son. The Vikings had deactivated Peterson for their game against the New England Patriots after he turned himself in to authorities on accounts of a "beating or "whooping" of his four year old son. 
Peterson had left bruises on his child's legs and genitals, according to police reports.
Many fans have been asking where do the Vikings go now after losing their star player. Should they trade him or should they wait until he is reinstated. They will more than likely look at Cordarerlle Patterson, the second year pro out of Tennessee. Patterson has proven that he is a versatile on special teams, receiving and even running the football. Many players in the league want him to play such as, Reggie Bush of the Detroit Lions and teammate Captain Munnerlyn. Many people like the Minnesota governor, owner Zygi Wilf, and Viking legend Fran Tarkenton believe he should be suspended indefinitely.  
As a fan of football, I believe AP deserves to play football. The NFL might be reinstating Ray Rice and he beat his wife in an elevator! There have been many drug cases with players like Josh Gordan, Aldon Smith and Wes Welker and they will get to play. In Peterson's defense, back then he got beat a lot as a kid. He got whipped, beaten, and abused regularly by his father. All fans of AP can do is sit back, pray and wait for Peterson, ("All Day")  return to the game we all love.