Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ray Rice Back in the NFL?

Yes it is true!

The man that punched his wife in the elevator can be signed by any NFL team. The real question is will the he get signed.

My answer is NO. Rice would be a huge media distraction just like the NFL thought Michael Sam (the first openly gay player in the NFL) would be. According to Rice's wife Janay and the NFL, "Interestingly, the NFL apparently showed little desire to get Janay Rice's side of the story. "I really didn't think they would ask me any questions, but I was asked one," she said. "I was surprised I was asked anything at all. One of the NFL executives asked me how I felt about everything. And I broke down in tears. I could hardly get a word out. I just told him that I was ready for this to be over."

Will he get signed? We will have to see.

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