Thursday, November 13, 2014

Will Kevin Love opt out of his contract?

The start of the season for the Cavs has not been the one that we all thought. With three superstars in Kyrie Irving, K Love and the "King" himself, the Cavs should not be 3-3 they should be at least 5-1. Your team has one of the best benches in all of basketball and you ONLY have a five-hundred record.

The biggest part is the chemistry. Kevin Love has been missing a lot of shots and that is on him. He has a lot of talent as a big man though. He can rebound, pass and hit the three point shot if needed.

Recently there has been rumors that Kevin Love will opt out of his contract. If he did this, why would the Cavs traded Andrew Wiggins away. If he did this where would he go? I believe he want to go somewhere with another superstar and that would be the New York Knicks. Play with Carmelo and a decent team that could get a good draft pick this year.

With the triangle offense made my Phil Jackson, Carmelo, Love and Shumpert or JR Smith on the outside would be deadly.  The big part is Jose Caldron. Jose can light you up from three point range but, if he can still feed the ball.

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